Monday, June 11, 2012

Living HEAD over HEELS

While there are so many conclusions that can be drawn from the statement living "head over heels", I would like to offer my own definition of it on behalf of all women, young or not so young, out there (that is hoping that there is or will be someone "out there" reading this)! 

What is a woman?  Too often women are portrayed as a visual (most times sexual) object, something to look at, gather or use.  A decoration in an ad to sell a product.  A target for all things self improvement.  Don't get me wrong... I appreciate makeup, every barn needs a new coat of paint my husband says from time to time- jokingly of course.  I appreciate a cute dress.  And I REALLY appreciate a cute pair of heels.  Like really really, there isn't a day that goes by that I would rather walk around in a pair of tennis shoes.  But beyond all of that I have something of more value that cannot be bought in a store or shipped to my house from eBay... I have a BRAIN! Yes, it's true.  A cute pink one, well cute may be going a little too far but it is pink!  A brain that I use to gain knowledge and understanding, a brain that I use to contemplate issues and filter thoughts, a brain that I use to remind myself to live right and do right as my pastor's wife would always say, a brain that tells me there is more to me than what is seen, and a brain that is set on helping girls discover who God made them to be. 

Society may say to put priority on "looking good" but the Bible says we should put our priority on "being good".  Get it?  Head over heels!!! Think of it like a game of rock, paper and scissors- the bomb wins every time!  Wait, where did the bomb come in???  I was always thrown off when a friend would throw in the bomb, but it's time we take notice!  I may not be a ROCKstar, or PAPER thin, or even... well scissors... but I am THE BOMB!!! I have my own brain and I intend to use it!  So girls, let's decide within ourselves to think before we do, to reason before we react, to believe the Word before we believe the world, and to live HEAD over HEELS!  In the words of a very funny movie- "you is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT"!!!

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting
but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised."
Proverbs 31:30


  1. Really enjoyed reading this, awesome... :)

  2. I can't wait to read your future posts. This seems like a great endeavor that I will be following.

  3. You have a beautiful way with words!
