Monday, February 17, 2014

Weird is the New Cool

When I was in the fourth grade my family moved from a small town in Central California to a city that had a grocery store just down the street, and believe me that is a notable fact especially when you once had to drive 45 minutes each way.  This move was the beginning of a lot of new things for me; a new house, a new school, new friends… and a new word that would creep into the depths of my heart and become my very identity for too long.  I wonder, just maybe, if this little word has crept into your life as well. And if it has, you are not alone.
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We moved in the middle of the school year and the school I had gone to before was much further along educationally, despite our tiny town, than the one I was now seated in.  To make up for this, I was given flash cards to study while the class continued on with their daily work.  Many times during the week the teacher would ask a question and minutes would go by in complete silence until I would look up at the board, raise my hand, and give the answer only to look back down and continue on in my own little world.  I don’t say this braggingly.  In fact, it is something I wish I could forget.  I hated being that girl.  And that’s when I was first introduced to the word…  Sitting with my head down looking at my box of cards I heard a kid whisper, “she’s so weird”. 
Just seeing the word makes me want to punch something, but I digress.
In high school things didn’t change too much.  By my senior year I found myself eating lunch in a choir room in the back of the school, taking my own sister to my senior ball because I was the only one of my friends who hadn’t been asked.  Yes I had a few friends.  I even had great grades.  I was an intern in our youth group.  I brought ten to twenty students with me every week to church.  I was involved with marching band all four years and even made it to be a section leader.  I thought by the time my senior year rolled around I would have grown out of it but then the last school newspaper came out- the one with all of the “most likely to this” or “most that”- and I found my name…  you would think that I would have been ecstatic to have been voted for something... to have been noticed… but it wasn’t something I wanted to be known for.  “Most unique”, that is what I was voted… most unique, which I was sure was just another way of saying someone who doesn’t fit in, different, uncool, or weird.
Years later I still have days when I walk into a new environment and think to myself “do I fit in here?” And it is with great sadness (and joy- if that’s even possible) that I say that some days the answer will be no.  Really?  No?  Why would I be happy about that?  Why did the very word that once destroyed any ounce of self-esteem now become the thing I am most proud of?  Why wouldn’t I want to fit in?
Do I want to feel like I belong here?  Absolutely, we all do.  You have great purpose and BELONG just like I do.  But we shouldn’t strive to fit in.  We don’t fit.  We are square pegs trying to be shoved into tiny circle holes and being told that if we don’t conform we are weird.  (Yes, we are squares.  I said it.)  Don’t give in, don’t compromise values or your faith, don’t settle for folding in your corners to fit into a tiny space that culture will allow you to be in.  No, my friends, just no.
The bible says that we shouldn’t “conform to the patterns of this world, but [we should] be transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:2).  Conformity is for faceless, nameless, robots and you beautiful girl (or kind sir… you know just in case my husband reads this) are not that.  You are weird.  Yes I said that too.  You are a weird square.  One who I hope is still reading even after all of this name calling. 
I want to encourage you to embrace the things that make you different.  Culture may say it’s not cool to wear turtle necks but if you love them then you just go on rocking them anyway.  Because we aren’t here to please culture.  We are here to please God.  And I hate to point it out but that will make you a “hater” sometimes, or a “hypocrite”, or just plain “weird”.  And that’s ok.  I know it doesn’t feel good, but it’s gonna be ok. 
If what you are doing, saying, wearing, or thinking is pleasing to God- then just keep on doing it.  He is faithful and just as He called the Israelites out of Egypt to be “separate” to lead them through the wilderness to the Promised Land, He will do the same for you.  If I could grab my 8 year old self and look her straight in the face, I would tell her it was all going to be ok.  That I made it.  That being different isn’t the worst thing that could happen.  Being the same is. 
So be quirky.  Crazy.  Sensational.  And for Pete's sake, be weird!
2 Corinthians 6:17
“Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.”

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