Monday, March 30, 2015

What I Aspired To Most In Life: A Deep Look Inside My Life

By Emily Bansuelo 

When I was in elementary school I aspired to be one thing when I reached the 5th grade… The Bible verse song and motions instructor. 


*deep sigh* It was the most prestigious position everyone looked forward to being. (Ok, maybe not everyone) The verses we memorized were called "Our God From A-Z" and every week we would learn a new letter that coincided with who God is, for example A: God is able. B: God is our burden bearer. C: God is creator and so on. 

I have been encouraging my youth kids to begin memorizing scripture and I immediately was reminded of this series, and I wanted to share it with you all, and to stop the greatest excuse of, 

“Well, I’d like to memorize the Bible or read it more, 
but I just don’t know what to read.” 

The excuses have got to stop here!

Even though, as I grew, I began seeing these songs as silly, I now find the Holy Spirit bringing these scriptures to my mind when I need it most. For example, when it comes to me feeling alone and afraid I know that God is my “Refuge” (Psalm 41:1-2, Daniel 6:26-27). So below I have listed those Bible verses for you. Now I know you may not want to sing or do amazing motions (even though you really will be missing out) I encourage you to use these verses to remind yourself of who God is in your life. 

God is...

Able: Eph. 3:20 
Burden Bearer: Ps. 55:22 & 1 Pet. 5:7
Creator: Jer. 32:17
Deliverer: Ps. 91:14-15
Ever-Present: Is. 41:10
Faithful: 1 Thes. 5:23-24 
Great: Ps. 145:3, 6-9, 13-14 
Holy: Hab. 1:12-13, Ps. 77:13, Rev. 4:8, & Is. 6:3 
Intimate: Ps. 139:1-6 
Judge: Jer. 17:10 
Keeper: Jude 24 
Loving: Ps. 144:2 
Marvelous: Rev. 15:3-4 
Near: Josh. 1:9 
Omniscient: Rom. 11:33-36 
Powerful: Jer. 32:18-19 
Quickener: Is. 57:15 
Refuge: Ps. 41:1-2 & Dan. 6:26-27 
Sovereign: Is. 46:9-10 
Teacher: Ps. 25:8-10 
Understanding: 2 Cor. 1:3-4 
Very Compassionate: Lam. 3:22-23 
Watchful: Prov. 15:3 
eXcellent: Deut. 32:3-4 
Yahweh: Ex. 34:6-7 
Zenith: 1 Chron. 29:11-13 

Memorizing scripture is so important to the growth of our spiritual life. Come on, Jesus even used it to battle temptation in the desert. If Jesus used it in His life, you know we need to be using it in our life. Proverbs 7 in the MSG version says it beautifully, “…treasure my careful instructions… My teaching is as precious as your eyesight—guard it! Write it down on the back of your hands; etch it on the chambers of your heart.” 

Now before we go, you may still be wondering if I ever received the coveted role of Bible verse motions instructor, I actually did not. *Single tear streaking my face* BUT I did get to change the slides on the overhead projector. #LifeGoals 

High-five to me! 

Romans 15:4
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, 
so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures
and the encouragement they provide we might have hope."

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