Monday, February 16, 2015

The Best Relationship of Your Life

By Alison Vidal

If you type “the best relationship of your life” into Google, a lot will pop up; “14 ways to create the best relationship of your life”, “8 scientifically proven ways to have the best relationship”, or “15 ways to have the best relationship of your life”. These articles go on and on, all of them trying to tell you how to get the guy, how to keep the guy, how to make the guy happy. How all of that will make you and your life complete somehow. Today, I just want to tell you this. The best relationship that you’ll ever have WON’T be with a guy (or a girl, for you guys reading this). The best relationship of your life, the one that will be fulfilling, the one that will make you whole will NEVER be with another person here on Earth. The best relationship of your life will be the one that you have with Jesus. 

I have a boyfriend, and his name is Michael. He’s sweet, and kind and incredible and I love him. However, there will be times when Michael will let me down. There are going to be things in my life that he can’t fix, and voids that he cannot fill. Likewise, there will be times that I let him down, and times that I cannot fix something in his life. The relationship that Michael and I have entered into is wonderful, but it’s NOT the best one I will ever have. Why? Because he’s fully human, and so am I.We both bring sin, baggage and all kinds of broken things to the table . My relationship with Jesus though? That is without a doubt the most fulfilling, comforting, relationship that I have ever had and I ever will have. Jesus is the only person that can make me whole, and the only person that can make you whole.

People are flawed and broken, that’s just a fact of life. When you put two of those people together the pieces don’t fit perfectly together like a puzzle. In fact a lot of times your broken pieces and their broken pieces end up making things a lot more broken than they were to begin with. I don’t know how many times I searched for a relationship thinking that it would make me whole. I know I’m not alone in this ladies. Maybe you've been there before too, or maybe you’re there right now. It always seems like a good idea and it always seems like it’s going to work, that new relationship, that attention from a guy, that other fully flawed person will be enough to make us feel whole. Until the inevitable happens: we realize that it’s NOT. 

The world around us may project the idea that relationships here on earth are the key to fulfillment and happiness, and that other people can complete us, but the truth is, Jesus trumps that idea every time. The love that Jesus has for us is agape love. That means selfless, sacrificial, unconditional. Agape love is the highest of the four types of love mentioned in the Bible and that’s the kind of love Jesus has for us. Romans 8:37-39 says “For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When it comes to relationships here on earth, there are all kinds of things that can separate you from each other. When it comes to the love that Jesus has for us, there is nothing that can separate us from that. I can’t think of anything more comforting than the fact that Jesus died for me out of love, and that love is unconditional. I can trust in that love without fear of it ever changing.

There might be a lot of advice floating around on the internet and magazines about how to create the best relationship of your life that involve things like a 15 step plan or “scientifically proven” tactic, but my advice for you is just this: start a relationship with Jesus. That will forever be the best choice that you make. I promise you this, His love will never fail you. Your relationship with Jesus will fulfill you in a way that no other relationship ever has, or ever will be able to. He will take all of your broken pieces and mend them. When it comes to the best relationship of your life, it’s going to be with the one who laid down his life. 

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son..."

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