Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do you know?

Last month we moved into this lovely little home and even though we were only moving five minutes away, it still meant we had to pack the entire house and enlist a few willing friends to help load the storage bins in and out of the huge U-Haul truck.  In the process of this move I may or may not have fallen off of a table, which I believe I have mentioned in a previous post so I suppose you now assume it as fact.  You would be correct in your assumption, yes, yes I did fall.  I fell so hard in fact that I had one large bruise that expanded from one shoulder across my chest to the other arm, so dark that it would be impossible not to notice it.  I say this to preface my next story.  Just remember... giant bruise...
I had used the last diaper one morning and had completely forgotten about it until the smell of something most awful was coming from my unsuspecting sweet-faced baby boy.  In a mad dash I threw my hair in a ponytail and ran out the door without my face done up with makeup (which always brings on a number of "concerned" comments which I find to be quite amusing).  I raced around the store with my two boys until we found the baby section, tossed the diapers in the cart and jolted to the front hoping that we wouldn't be in one spot long enough for anyone to smell what had to be the worst combination of digested foods to make such a stink that had a category all of it's own.  I opted for self check out to further prevent being in the store longer, with no avail.  It wouldn't scan and the cashier walked over to help.  She looked at me and then at the boys.  Making awkward conversation she looked at Michael and asked, "so how old are you?".  His response... wait for it... here it comes... "I'm four"... I wish I could say that he ended it there but he didn't... "But one day I'll be big like daddy and he won't BEAT me".  Yep.  He just said that.  Now remember that bruise.  I rest my case. 
All I could think was, hold off on the phone call to CPS please- you'd have to know Michael to understand.  You see, Michael is 4.  The most competitive 4 year old I have ever met. There is nothing in our daily routine that isn't considered a race in his eyes; brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating, cleaning... NOTHING!  So while it may look like we are a battered family, and my son may make comments about "beating" I can assure you that there is no such thing going on.  But, you would have to KNOW Michael to really understand.
Have you ever thought what it looks like to others when you say that you believe in a God who sent His Son to DIE for us?  I can just imagine people thinking what a cruel thing to do, sacrificing a perfect man for an innumerable amount of imperfect people.  Not only that but now there are all kind of crazy doctrines floating around and sometimes I just want to scream "that is not the character of God, He wouldn't do that!".  Yes, He sent His Son.  He knew that was the only way to gain relationship back with you and I.  It is the greatest expression of love that I have ever seen.  It is not cruel.  It was, I can assure you, the last thing that God would ever want to do.  No parent willingly sacrifices their only child unless it was the absolute only way.  You'd have to KNOW Him though to understand. 
The things people say about God "hating homosexuals" (notice I didn't say homosexuality) or "predestining some to spend an eternity in Hell" just turns my stomach.  YOU HAVE IT ALL WRONG!  My friend, please read your bible!  With all of the love I can muster in my heart I plead that any belief you make in your heart about the character of God is derived directly from the Word of God.  He loves unconditionally. Nothing can separate us from the love of God but many things can separate us from a relationship with Him and that is where we get in trouble.  When we are out of relationship with Him we are at the mercy of our own assumptions about His ways.  Think of it in relation with your own life, until you get to know a person do you not assume what their character is like by their actions and what others say about them?  Maybe I am the only guilty one but it is dangerous ground.  So please, stop thinking God is mad at you or hates you sweet friend.  And please stop believing that He can hate anyone else.  Spend some time getting to know Him and you'll see that He thinks the world of you and I!
John 3:16-17
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do Something...

Last month our youth group was challenged to give "Change for Change" in our "Be The Change" series.  Rich and I had talked beforehand about who God had placed on our heart and without hesitation we both came to the conclusion that we would love to bless a family in our church who's son needed yet another heart surgery at the tender age of 3.  His name is Micah Ward and he not only rocks a sweet and courageous spirit, but also an extra chromosome.  This beautiful little boy is one of the many in this great nation who was born with down syndrome.
I can't imagine the feelings an expectant mother would feel when being told that her child would be born with special needs or even the pressure she would face from well meaning doctors who think that they can "solve the problem" by terminating a life.  I can't imagine the hardships not only financially but in so many other areas that raising this child would bring.  But I can tell you that I am so thankful for families who rise to the occassion to show the world how incredibly beautiful life can be when you have a child with down syndrome.  These families are my heroes.
This past month was such a blessing for my husband and I not only because we were able to "share the burden" (like I talked about in my last post) but also because we had the opportunity to see students go above and beyond to help someone in need.  Whoever said that teenagers were selfish, never met the teenagers we have the opportunity of seeing on a weekly basis!  One jr higher sold an iPod that she had won to help raise money while another student had spent the entire month collecting cans, raising almost half of the contest money herself.  These teenagers are some of the best around.  I am so thankful to be their youth pastor.  These students are my heroes.
I don't know what causes you to rise up and speak out but abortion is one of those topics that makes me well up in tears and clench my fists at the same time.  Whether your child would have a special need or not, it is a baby, a gift from the Lord Himself and there is nothing "wrong" with them.  Whether you or a friend have dealt with this issue I pray that you fight against the cultural pressures of abortion and see the situation as God sees it.  There are options my friends, and abortion isn't one of them.  You can do it, I promise that you can do it!  And if raising this child is out of the question, I know so many loving familes that would be more than thrilled to welcome them into their home.  Please, I beg of you, give this precious little one a chance.
This morning my husband and I watched a touching story about a father who faced all of the pressures known to those who have children with down syndrome and I couldn't help but cry (to watch his heart wrenching interview, click on the link here...Pushing Paisley... A father's story).  This amazing little girl was given a chance, despite her father's wishes, and an amazing story was birthed out of it.  I know this post is different from most that I have written but I believe with all of my heart that God has called us to speak for those who can't.  I challenge you to find a cause and fight for it!   It has been said that "all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men (or women) to do nothing".  So... Let's DO SOMETHING!!!!
Hebrews 13:16
And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need.
These are the sacrifices that please God.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Michael was an only child for three and a half years which made the lesson about sharing toys a little more interesting to teach.  There were days that we would be playing with his trains or legos and I would purposefully take one away that he was playing with just to get a rise out of him and be able to talk to him about the whole concept of allowing someone else to play with "his" things.  I am sure I looked ridiculous but there are only so many play dates that a child can have and I knew with baby number two on the way we really needed to hit the subject head on.  Well after many tantrums and time outs I can remember when he finally responded the way I was hoping- "sharing is caring" he said to me.
Now I am sure that you are thinking what a wonderful four year old.  And yes, he is wonderful, but in the moment he said this phrase it wasn't exactly what I was expecting.  Rich and I were sitting down in the livingroom (probably watching something manly like Project Runway or Army Wives, not that he would ever confess to watching such things with me) and typical of the iGeneration Michael comes waltzing into the room asking to play a game on his phone.  When Rich said he couldn't Michael pulled out the key phrase that I had been trying to teach him, "but dad, sharing is caring".  We had a big laugh.  He knew the essence of the phrase whether he wanted to apply it to his own life or not. 
And he was right, sharing is caring.
Yesterday, during the morning church service, we had an abundance of people asking to be prayed over and the man in charge of our altar care motioned over for me to come help.  As I stood in front a woman walked up to me, sobbing so uncontrollably that I couldn't make out any of the words she was saying.  So I grabbed one of her hands with mine and wrapped the other one around her pulling her in close.  I started to pray for her and as I did I began to feel her pain.  Her burden had become my burden.  The weight on her shoulders was now the weight on my shoulders.  I don't know her situation or the cause of her pain but I can tell you that it reached to the depths of her soul.  As I pulled away I could feel the tears streaming down my face and all I could think to myself was peace, peace that surpasses understanding, and strength and faith in the Lord to overcome any trial she may be facing. That was my continual thoughts and prayer for her.  I returned to my seat, ruined for the rest of the service.
I woke up today knowing that I wanted to share this with you, whoever you may be, because I know that you or someone you know has at one time been caught under the weight of something such as this.  When your pain was so insurmountable that tears replaced your words and you found your greatest strength on your knees pleading with the Lord.  God is so good and gracious towards us that He put such a wonderful verse in the Bible for such times as these, it says to "carry one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).  This verse goes back to the very lesson I have been trying to instill in my son- that sharing is caring.  You were never meant to feel the burden alone.  Your family was never meant to carry their burden alone.  Your friends were never meant to carry their burden alone.  The homeless, the widows, the orphans- and anyone else facing great struggles- were never meant to carry their burden alone.  Let's pray for them... let's give of our time and abundance... let's share in their heavy load.  Because sharing IS caring.
Matthew 11:28-30
" Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”