Monday, December 22, 2014

Dinner is served

By Vanessa Shepherd

You would think I never fed my youngest if you were to visit us in the morning hours. You see, at about 8am Jacob has first breakfast, by 9am second breakfast and at 11 he is STARVING and hangrily awaiting lunch. These meals aren’t snack size, no I am talking a big plate of food EVERY TIME. At this rate I would think he would have gained a pound or two, but no. Or going to the bathroom every 5 minutes to download a few of the calories that were uploaded… if you know what I mean… but no. It is most bizarre. Maybe he is English and this is normal for him, but I can guarantee you that it is most certainly not for me. Because I am a mom and I don’t have time to sit down eight times a day to enjoy every bite of food on my plate. I would be lucky if I even get every bite of food on my plate without a small albino child asking for one… or ten.

He is a pro at eating and I could use some lessons from him because you see- I haven’t eaten in weeks. And that’s not even the worst part… the worst part is that I didn’t even realize it. 

Life has gotten a bit busy with Michael’s homework (which I am sure will be the death of me), Christmas shopping, never ending laundry, church events, Michael’s homework, friends visiting, an anniversary, a birthday, Michael’s homework, and so much more. I feel like I was able to sit down today and put my feet up for the first time in weeks and I realized something- I am STARVING. 

I didn’t hate myself for it. I wasn’t mad. I was however a little embarrassed but more than anything I was hungry.

You see, I have talked a lot to the Chef lately. I haven’t missed one day of conversation, but when it came down to sitting down and enjoying what was made just for me I could always find an excuse. I have 100 things on my “to do” list. I am too tired. There is too much noise. Someone needs me. The list just goes on and on. And all the while I would stare at the table and see what my body groaned for getting cold. 

Have you ever found yourself skipping a meal? Or two? Or a whole weeks worth? Could you imagine if someone told you they hadn’t eaten in months? I could imagine you would chain them to a chair and force feed them at that point. I almost felt at that point myself. How could I have had enough energy to get anything done. How could I have thought I could do it alone. It’s embarrassing. But for the sake of us all I am saying it. I haven’t eaten in weeks.

Until today.

Today I sat down and looked at the one thing that could fill my heart and soul with much needed nourishment and just smiled, it was time. It was time to dust off the words written down just for me and really partake in what God had for me today. And I have to tell you something, I feel more alive now than I have these past weeks. Sometimes you just need a reminder that you were never created to go so long without your “DAILY bread” (Matthew 6:11) or LIVING water(John 4:10). Sure, your body can survive a while- but do you know what happens to a body that is deprived of the nutrients it needs? It starts to eat itself and the body eventually wastes away and dies. 

Spiritually, emotionally, and mentally we can be wasting away and not even realizing it. But don’t get upset. No need for condemnation or finger pointing. And certainly no need to get HANGRY. Just pull out your Bible, dust it off, ask the Chef to direct you to what He has prepared for you today, and EAT. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 50; you don’t have a good enough reason not to!

Psalm 34:8
“Taste and see that the Lord is good!”

*And if you want a great place to start- try reading the Christmas story!  It is the reason for the season!  MERRY CHRISTMAS from LHOH!!!  

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