Monday, July 30, 2012

Not too close!

Ever had one of those- I think every pore on my face just imploded creating a mountain range of pimples- kind of mornings?  I can remember getting so embarrassed in middle school and unloading almost an entire concealer onto my face thinking that it would take less attention away from the momentary acne.  Why didn’t anyone ever pull me aside in love and say, “you know honey, concealer will make you continue to break out”.  AH!  Had to learn that one the hard way.  In those moments the most terrifying thing that anyone could do would be to want to talk to me face to face because they never wanted to stand 10 feet away, they would want to stand REAL close.  The kind of close that not only pops a personal bubble but also makes you feel like they could see into the very depths of your soul.  Does anyone ever really focus on what they are saying in that moment, or are you like me- consumed with the “I wonder what they are thinking about my face”, “I hope they don’t think that I don’t wash my face”, “of course I wash my face”, “I wonder if I just say yes if they will walk away”, “this is the longest 1 minute conversation I have ever had”…

Now why would I talk about breaking out and what in the world does this have to do with anything.  Well girls, here it is.  I am a perfectionist.  It is a blessing and a curse.  I not only like things to be perfectly in place but I need them to be.  The Lord has been working on me so I am much better now but I can remember when my husband and I first got into ministry and thinking to myself I have to have it all together.  I can’t make mistakes.  I can’t fail because someone might see me.  Don’t get too close, I look better from a distance.  If you have been around very long you can recognize the pressure that Christians are under these days.  Constantly being scrutinized and called hypocritical, being made fun of in the media and put down.  It can cause a girl like me to push people away because if they got too close they would see that I am just a hot mess like everyone else.  I fail (like I talked about in the last post) and I make mistakes, I do not deserve a pedestal.  No one does. 

The problem with pedestals is that no one besides Christ has ever lived a blameless life.  We all miss the mark, we all blow it, and we all BREAK OUT!   If you were to get too close to anyone besides Jesus you would see how incredibly imperfect we all are.  That is why we all need Him, to be our strength when we are weak!  How encouraging!  Not only does God use people with flaws, but that is the ONLY kind of person He uses.  Because there is no other kind!  We are all at different places in life, working out our own salvation, and each striving to walk “worthy of the calling”- taking two steps forward and sometimes one step back.  I am not the big deal.  I often remind myself that I am only A way to THE way, I am not THE way.  So take the pressure off, you are not the source of any person's salvation!  You are only "a" way- and as Christians all roads should lead to Christ!  So thank God for the leaders in your life!  Look up to them, admire them, but in the same breath pray for them and love them!   Don’t be shocked when you get too close and find out that Superman is really just Clark Kent in some spandex and a silly cape.  Save the pedestal for the One who gave His son to die on a cross for you.  The One who never fails, never gives up, never has a bad day, and most certainly never has a break out.

Hebrews 12:2
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy
that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down
at the right hand of the throne of God.

Psst... you are the joy that was set before Him... Just thought I'd point that out!

1 comment:

  1. I adore this! It's so true! And how we respond to those who fall off that pedestal-- whether they hurt us or just make a mistake-- reveals so much about the character our heart. It's a learning lesson for both parties: how to seek forgiveness and how to give it gracefully. I've been on both ends and I can't say I handled it well in the moment, but it taught me so much through the situation that I can look back and grasp what God was doing and the grace that HE has given to me when I messed up. <3
